2023 Village Candidate Statements

The Rhinebeck Democratic Committee endorses:

Gary Bassett for Mayor
It is an honor to serve as your Mayor. I never forget that I am elected to serve Rhinebeck Village residents, and I work hard on your behalf.  I am very proud of the open communication I have with many of you in the community and I continue to be committed to being responsive and transparent as this community faces new challenges in a fast moving world.  

Ric Lewitt for Trustee
In my role as Trustee, Villagers consistently tell me they want safe, walkable neighborhoods, affordable housing for families and seniors, efficient government, and a village that supports a sustainable future. In all the projects I undertake for the Village, be they street improvements, annual budgeting and planning, hiring or even planting trees twice a year, I am guided by that vision.

Lydia Slaby for Trustee
The Village of Rhinebeck is a remarkable community. Every day I see neighbors helping neighbors by showing up for each other through community events, the firehouse and the schools. We all want to live in a community where everyone thrives, and I have seen this energy at work in Village Hall where I have had the privilege of working my tail off for you as Village Trustee! I would be honored for the opportunity to continue to serve this Village that we all love.

Village Primary: January 31, 2023
Village Election: March 21, 2023